The Fear Free Initiative is all about holding your pets emotional well being with equal importance as their physical health.
And your entire pet health care team here at CoastView Vet is enthusiastically practicing the calming and low-stress techniques taught in the Fear-Free Professional Certification Courses.
In fact, Dr. Schultz and Diane L were the first veterinary professionals in the Clairemont area to achieve Fear Free Professional Certification. Today, all staff members have either completed or are in the process of earning their individual certifications.

Fear-Free aims to “take the ‘pet’ out of petrified and put the ‘treat’ back into treatment.”
The best way to understand what the Fear-Free Initiative is all about is to visit our hospital. We also wrote a blog about it!
More About Your Fear-Free In-Clinic Experience
More About Pet Parents’ Role at Home
Setting up your pet for success begins at home – your home – Your Fear-Free Happy Home. We make an admirable team because we are all committed to cradling your pet’s emotional well-being while providing the necessary medical care.
As always, please give us a call if you have any questions.